About ADI

ADI is committed to promoting best practices in the profession of design in India by strengthening and promoting the capabilities of the Indian design profession, as well as amplifying and presenting a unified voice to influence public policy, shape the industry and benefit the people at large.

Our vision

ADI's vision is to be a world class network representing professional interests of Indian Design community, creating a meaningful interface between Design Professionals, people as Users, the Industry, Education Institutions and the Policy Makers.

Key objectives of ADI

Policy Advocacy

Become a national strategic body of the design professional community advising at government & policy- level, acting as an independent professional body represented at the India Design Council and any other Chartered Society of Designers.

A Strong Network of Designers

ADI shall build a network of designers from India that provides a platform for sharing design thinking and design case studies. ADI aims to build a national movement of young designers. ADI shall network with national and international bodies related with the profession.

A Better Design Community

ADI aims to lead the design community towards better quality of service, responsible design and smooth interface with the industry. It shall promote compliance of ethical practice code amongst design community in India. ADI shall work towards bringing awareness of "good design" amongst the "people" and "industry" promoting India as a design service destination, through- out-reach programs, publications, events & installations and design related activities promoting design.


The ADI is managed by the National Executive Committee (NEC) who are elected biennially by members. The NEC is responsible for running ADI, creating regional chapters and elected local Chapter Managing Committees (CMC), formulating policies and initiating projects to promote design and the interests of its members.

The current NEC members:

Balkrishna (Bala) Mahajan President
Avik GhoshJt. Secretary
Jacob MathewVice President
Siddharth KabraTreasurer
Darpana AthaleGen. Secretary
Karishma AjmeraJt. Treasurer

PR, Social Media and Brand (Newsletter):

Mathew KurienActivity head
Avik GhoshTeam Member

Govt. Outreach/ Design Policy:

Jacob MathewActivity head
Balkrishna (Bala) Mahajan Team Member

Design Practice Advisory:

Reboni SahaActivity head
Siddharth KabraTeam Member

Industry outreach (Corporate memberships):

Mathew KureinActivity head
Rugwed DeshpandeTeam Member

Donations and Sponsorships:

Nachiket ThakurActivity head

Events and Activities:

Rugwed DeshpandeActivity head

Education and Student activities (Gen.D & Education Policy):

Mathew KurienActivity head
Reboni SahaTeam Member
Anuj Sharma Team Member

Programs and Initiatives:

Reboni SahaActivity head
Rugwed DeshpandeTeam Member

Website App and Tech lead:

Siddharth KabraActivity head
Karishma AjmeraTeam Member
Balkrishna (Bala) Mahajan Team Member

Membership(Growth), Member connect/engagement:

Avik GhoshActivity head
Anuj SharmaTeam Member
Mathew KurienTeam Member

International Outreach:

Anuj SharmaActivity head
Jacob MathewTeam Member